Geert Jans Wuite Geslacht: Geboren: 16-07-1874 te Aengwiden † Overleden: 21-02-1940 te den Haag Bijzonderheden: mennonieten predikant in Staveren/Molkwerum 1899-1902, Arnhem 1902-1910 en 's Gravenhage 1910-1939. Getuige bij het tweede huwelijk van zijn broer Jan in 1913.
Geert Wuite Janszoon (Luinjeberd, 16 July 1874 - The Hague, 21 February 1940) also studied theology at the university and the Amsterdam seminary and served as pastor of the Mennonite congregations at Staveren-Molkwerum 1899-1902, Arnhem 1902-1910, an d The Hague 1910-1939. Particularly at The Hague he was a popular preacher and an influential leader of the church. The Wuite House of the congregation at The Hague is named after him. He was a trustee of the Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit. 1931-1939. He published a numÂÂber of sermons, and a volume of sermons entitled Soli Deo Gloria (Busonn, 1939) was published when he retired. His son Jan Johan Gerard Wuite (b. at Staveren 1900) after studying at Leiden and AmsterÂÂdam was a pastor at Veendam 1927-32, Zaandam Oost 1932-34, and Utrecht 1934- . He was a trustee of the Algemeene Doopsgezinde Sociëteit 1933-34 and 1943- , and a curator of its seminary 1946- , acting as its moderator 1955- .
Toon Feiten en Vermeldingen (0)
Dieuwkw Maria van Belkum Geslacht: Geboren: 1870 |